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February Financial Planning Newsletter

2018 is in full swing and we hope you have kicked off the year with a bang!

This time of year provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on where you've been...and where you're heading.

We hope you enjoy our first newsletter for 2018.

Kind regards,

Kate Phillips

How to add thousands to your super in just 10 minutes

A simple super oversight is costing Australians thousands of dollars in their retirement, according to research released by MLC.


Beyond share prices

Investors shouldn't overlook that there are two components to sharemarket returns – dividend yield and capital gains (or losses).


Superannuation and moving overseas

If you’re an Australian permanent resident or citizen heading overseas, your super remains subject to the same rules, even if you are leaving Australia permanently. This means your super must remain in your super fund/s until you reach preservation age and are eligible to access it.


Your rights when it comes to Direct Debits

Automatic bill payments

Direct debits can help you organise your finances. Make sure you understand how they work and what to do if you want to cancel them.


It's official: multitasking sucks

Think you’re great at multitasking? So did these people, until studies revealed some unsettling data.